Monday, 1 February 2010

Literature - IMS Learning Design

Supporting Generic Methodologies to Assist IMS-LD Modeling
The adoption of IMS-LD as a standard conceptual model for pedagogical scenarios description will allow increasing interoperability in online learning. Since IMS-LD modeling activity does not count among the practices of teachers, it's imperative to provide a methodology to see them through this task. IMS-LD authors proposed one in the Best Practices Guide but unfortunately existing LD tools were not designed to support this or any other methodology. We propose a generic support for methodologies through a formal framework (incremental modeling process) and provide an implementation (ModX module) using IMS-LD best practices as an example.

CoSMoS: Facilitating Learning Designers to Author Units of Learning Using IMS LD
IMS LD is a meta-language that can be used to specify a pedagogical method as
a learning design. A learning design is a formal process model, encoded in XML, which can be played by any IMS LD-aware-player to learners online. In order to make it easy to edit learning designs, LD authoring tools are absolutely needed. Through a review of currently available LD authoring tools, we see that the development of LD authoring tools is still at an immature stage. This paper describes a LD authoring tool named CoSMoS, which can support editing learning designs at Levels A, B, and C. In this paper the main design ideas are presented and three design issues are discussed.

A Critical Analysis of IMS Learning Design
The objective of the IMS Learning Design specification is to provide a containment framework of elements that can describe any design of a teaching-learning process in a formal way. The proposed specification is pedagogically neutral and provides a means for defining diverse learning designs (e.g.: collaborative learning, problem-based learning, blended learning). Regardless of the pedagogy involved, in practice every learning design comes to: a Method prescribing various Activities for learner and academic staff Actors in a certain order. We agree with this proposal, but we have found some deficiencies and limitations in the way these elements are described. Considering ideas and solutions of the Activity Theory (AT) and the Workflow Management Systems (WFMS) domain we propose alternative structures to describe the Activity and Method parts of this specification.

Using and Enhancing a Normalized IMS-LD Description to Support Learners in Their Appropriation of a Distance-Learning Curriculum

The general context of our work is the support that can be proposed to a distance learning student in order to appropriate a curriculum to himself. In this paper we explore how the IMS Learning Design (LD) norm can be used to address this issue. An LD model of a curriculum permits the construction of tools that allow a student to visualize different points of view on the curriculum items, annotate his progression in the activities or build individual projects. We present what can be done with an LD model and how this model can be enhanced to propose more helpful appropriation means.

IMS Learning Design Support for the Formalization of Collaborative Learning Patterns
Collaborative Learning Patterns (CLPs) are detailed descriptions of best practices in collaborative learning. These patterns provide a way for a representation of key aspects of CSCL (Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning) that is easy to understand by software developers. To formalize these CLPs we have focused our attention on IMS Learning Design (IMS-LD). IMS-LD provides a means of expressing many different pedagogical approaches (including collaborative learning), however we have found some limitations in reflecting learning experiences that are group-based. Although this specification supports multiple roles in a learning activity, it is not possible to specify how they are going to interact. This paper points out this deficiency and proposes an extension of IMS-LD. The process that can be followed in order to obtain a unit of learning based on a CLP is illustrated with an example.

A Tailorable Collaborative Learning System That Combines OGSA Grid Services and IMS-LD Scripting
This paper presents Gridcole, a new collaborative learning system that can be easily tailored by educators in order to support their own CSCL scenarios, using computing services provided by third parties in the form of OGSA grid services. Educators employ scripts in order to describe the sequence of learning activities and required tools, with standard IMS-LD notation. Thus, through the integration of coarse-grained tools, that may even offer supercomputing capabilities or use specific hardware resources, educators do not depend on software developers to easily configure a suitable environment in order to support a broad range of collaborative scenarios. An example of a learning scenario for a Computer Architecture course is described to illustrate the capabilities of Gridcole.

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